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Pipe Industry

Tendek has taken an interest in the challenges of the pipe industry. There are many reasons to look deeper into the solutions we are providing. It´s a fact that the problem solving to match the needs in this industry are often difficult,timeconsuming and demands good planing,the right tools and last but not least,skilful workers that executes with precision.  It´s not a coincidence that the workers in the pipe industry are well appreciated and gets pretty good money for there achivements. Tendek is offering several topclass machine options for this segment.

In the year 2017 we started a cooperation with COPIER, from Holland. This means that we can offer stationary beveling for ALL pipe dimensions.

Beaver 24 SHW

From Ø 219 to 630 mm, and wall thickness up to 45mm

The big picture above shows the Beaver 24 CNC

Here we present more machines for chamfering pipes:

ERM-family is suitable for steel and stainless steel,when the thickness of the plate is between 5-16 mm, and on other materials as aluminum, cupper, plastic and composites, it even works up to 50 mm.



Versatile machine good for straight pipes and straight plates. Suitable for all pipe dimensions from 80 mm and bigger. It´s preferable if there is a rotating rollboard,where you only have to put the machine on the rotating pipe.



Since curves and T-pieces often has thicker goods than the line pipes,it might even demand chamfering on the inside to get a soft passage. With the machine its possible to chamfer 22,30,45 or 60 degrees,on all pipe dimensions from 100 mm and more. The curved pipe should be bigger than 160 mm. The machine chamfers of course straight plates and plates with curves as well.



Chamfers curved pipes on the outside and is most suitable for sizes between 140 mm – 400 mm. If there is a bigger dimension,it´s easier doing it with the extra accessories assembled.


With this program you may comfortably do the beveling even if the need is big on daily basis. Physically easy to use even for us who are not athletes. The precision is perfect and the performance economical.


The machine cuts and chamfers at the same time. Works really good on big pipes with thick walls.

Click on the picture for more info,  ISP/OSP:


From the Nitto program you find  AMB-0307 or EMB-0307 wich is suitable for pipes with thin walls, when the need is limited and also when you desire a machine with versatility. 



You use Cevisa preferably when the pipes are not "too" long,because it´s difficult with the feeding process then.

For drilling the pipes,we offer a Magnetic drilling machine from Nitto,with a pipe stand, or Drillmates "Vacforce-program" or the "Drillpress-stand" wich significantly makes the work easier. The USA model "Saddle-Up" gives precision to the job,since it´s solid and equipped with a builder´s level to ensure the quality.

Atra Ace Drill support Saddle-Up
 Drillmate Drillstand CHP 21G Vacforce

For other projects involving pipes you may find suitable machines in the category: Steelindustry